Wunna Kyaw

Hey there 👋🏻

I am  Wunna Kyaw

A passionate Mobile App Developer specialized in mobile app development with a focus on Flutter and Swift.

100 +


20 +

Years of Age

2 +

Years of Experience


Creative Skills

As a software engineer, I possess a wide range of technical skills that are essential for the role.

Mobile App Development

Mobile App Development

Proficiency in coding the visual aspects and functionalities of applications using Flutter to ensure a seamless and attractive user interface.

Multiplatform Development

Multiplatform Development

Capability to develop applications that adapt and function flawlessly across various devices and screen sizes using coding techniques.

iOS Development

iOS Development

Experienced in Swift and SwiftUI for creating sleek and user-friendly iOS apps, and adhering to Apple's Human Interface Guidelines.

My Works

Here's some of my works that I've done so far.

Card background

Spinner Wheel

A simple spinner wheel that can be used for games or other purposes.
View on Github
Card background

Landscape App

A simple app that shows the location and history of the landscape.
View on Github
Card background

Note App

A simple note app that can be used by various devices and screen sizes.
View on Github
View All Projects

Frequently Asked Questions

Here are answers to some common questions

Ready to get started?

I’m open to new projects, creative ideas, and opportunities. If you have anything in mind, feel free to contact me.

Contact me